This web page is to let people know why I started this
web page and how I came to be involved in this "Fight for our Rights."

William, (Bill,) Henry Rogero's Remington 514
I grew up in the south in a place called
Georgia. My father took me fishing more than hunting. I did get a
lever action BB gun that I did shoot and the first real gun I did shoot
was my father's single shot 22 Cal. Remington model 514, (no serial number,)
that he would take with us when we went fishing. The company, C&S Bank, that my father
worked for owned some property south of town just a few miles from the
Florida line where they built a small building. It had a big room with
a fireplace and a kitchen where they held company parties and people who
worked at the bank could use for parties. I remember how I used to think
how big the building was because I used to roller skate, (at that time
they only had metal wheels,) on the concrete floor. They had a nice size
lake in the back with a dock with boats that you could use. (Grassy Pond, now an Air Force outdoor recreation area.)
I remember catching a 6 lb bass off the dock, I still have the head.
Being in the south we had a lot of snakes
of all types and we would take the gun to shoot the snakes and the ever
possible rabid critter. All of the small flat bottom aluminum boats were
pulled up on the shore and had a long chain attached to something like
a post on the shore. You would push the boat a few feet into the lake
and then you would hold the paddle in your left hand and the 22 rifle
in your right hand loaded and with the safety off. You would then take
the paddle or oar, (the longest one you could find,) and push the boat
all the way into the lake so that it would float off till it hit the end
of the chain. As soon as the boat was moving so that you did not have
to push it any more you would drop the paddle, bring the rifle up and
shoot the first snake that you saw that had been under the boat while
at the same time making sure that one of them was not heading towards
you. Now you would not get a snake every time but you did have a 50/50
chance of catching a water moccasin or sometimes a rattle snake though
rattle snakes would be found easily enough by walking through the woods.
When I left Valdosta I left my guns and
though I would sometimes shoot them on a visit home, I did not buy any
guns or do any shooting or have anything to do with guns for many years.
I lived in Alabama for a while and then I moved to Massachusetts where
I lived in Boston and the greater Boston area for many years. While in
Boston I worked for a company that allowed me to travel all over the north
east from Pennsylvania up to Maine and out to Michigan and Ohio. I then
moved to West Germany for a little over 3 years and when I moved back
I ended up in New Jersey for a few years and then bought a house in Orange
County NY. For all of those years I had nothing to do with guns then Bill Clinton got elected.
I was not involved in any type of Politics
and did not even vote all of the time much less keep up with the topics
and then I saw in the press that Bill Clinton was pushing an Assault Weapons
Ban. I did not know much about the topic but I did know that what they
were saying about guns was wrong and that what they were trying to do
was 100% wrong. I knew that I wanted to do something and living in New
York I knew that if I got a handgun license I would be adding my name
to the list of gun owners that they would have to deal with when they
decided to take the guns away.
Getting a pistol license in 1994 was about
the same as getting a license now except I had to discover everything by
myself. It was hard to get accurate information and hard to find anyone
who really knew what the laws were. Finding a club to shoot at was even
a problem because it was hard to find anyone's name or phone number. I
started to get more involved and I was starting to find out more about
the laws and regulations. I got my NRA Instructor's Certificate in 1997 but in the middle of 1997 I came down
with Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher Syndrome and that slowed me down quite
a bit. (Being blind and paralized will do that to you.)
I had started to put together the web page
in 1999. The earliest printout of the website that I have in May of 1999
and at that point most of the basic parts of the web site were in place.
The main reason why I put together the web page was to make it easier
for anyone else new to the shooting sports to get involved and to make
it as easy as possible to find where to shoot, where the stores are and
where the clubs were and to promote the shooting sports. I kept having
arguments with other people about what the laws were and that has become
an important part of my website. I also wanted to let people know what
was going on with gun laws in Orange County, Albany and Washington DC.
The Web site started as Rogero's Firearms
Home Page using the free space that I got with my dial up connection.
When I switched to Road Runner I had to get real server space. Most of
the website was originally written using the free Netscape Composer that
comes with Netscape. When the site got too big for me to keep track of
all of the links I started using Dreamweaver.
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