17.1 (9
NYCRR Section 492.1) Definitions
As used in the Rule, the following terms shall mean and include:
17.2 (9 NYCRR Section 492.2) Standards Pertaining to the Characteristics, Design, Operation and(a) Gun Locking Device means an integrated design feature or an attachable accessory that
is resistant to tampering and is effective in preventing the discharge of a rifle, shotgun
or firearm by a person who does not have access to the key, combination or other
mechanism used to disengage the device.(b) Magnetic Key or Electronic Key means a magnetic or electronic device which is
encoded with a unique magnetic signature or which emits a unique electronic signal that
disengages a gun safety device or other safety feature of a weapon.
17.3 (9 NYCRR Section 492.3) Standards Pertaining to the Performance of Gun Locking Devices(a) A gun locking device must:(1) Open only by either a numeric combination, key, magnetic key or electronic key.(b) A gun locking device must not:
Those devices that operate by means of a combination must require the entry of
at least three variables of numbers, letters or other appropriate symbols entered
in a specific sequence on a keypad, dial or tumbler device.(2) Be constructed with such quality of workmanship and material that it may not
be easily pried open, removed or otherwise defeated by use of common
household tools.(1) Be locked by means of a screw or screws.(2) Have any exposed screws that, if removed, would render the gun locking device
ineffective.(3) Be disengaged by a handcuff key or common household tool.
(4) Be subject, at the time of sale, to voluntary or involuntary recall by the
17.4 (9 NYCRR Section 492.4) Standards Pertaining to the Instructions for Use of Gun Locking DevicesWhen properly applied, a gun locking device must be effective in preventing the discharge of
a rifle, shotgun or firearm by a person who does not have access to the key, combination or other
mechanism used to disengage the device.
Authority: General Business Law ยง 396-ee.A gun locking device must be accompanied by written instructions on its proper installation and