Web Page News |
Have a fun July and I will see you next month |
Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects New York, 9-20 July 2001 Small Arms Destruction Day (YES, the UN wants to take away all guns from all citizens in the whole world!) |
Tom Chandler and Phil Longden TRT-NYA few others are pending.
Robert Teesdale National Director TRT-CO
Louis Wein New York State Constitution Party
Scott Jeffrey Representing the NY Libertarian Party
Rick Mase TRT-PA and Father of a Gun control victim
Dave Dilegge Representing ConservaVets and America's Voices
Maria Heil National Spokesperson for the Second Amendment Sisters
Rodi Bestider SAS member with a fresh perspective of America's freedoms
coming from a communist bloc state.
Albany Boarding: We’re leaving from the old K-Mart parking lot on Central
Ave. at Rt.
155. It’s about 2 miles west of the Northway. Park near Central Ave.
the Diner and
Burger King. We will board in Albany at 6:00am on Saturday July 14
th ,
2001. We’ll be on a
tight schedule. Please be on time.
Our bus: Browns 55 passenger Bus. The bus will leave at 6:00 AM sharp.
will be picking
up passengers at other exits on the way down to the City. We will pick
up at
the park and ride
if the exit has one. If there is no park and ride we would appreciate
suggestions from
riders at that exit.
Exit 21 Catskill park & ride approx. 6:40AM
Exit 19 Kingston approx. 7:10AM
Exit 18 New Paltz park & ride approx. 7:25AM
Exit 17 Newburgh park & ride approx. 7:45AM
Exit 16 Harriman approx. 8:05AM
Exit 15 Suffern approx. 8:25AM
Exit 7 Ardsley approx. 8:55AM
We should be in NYC by approx. 10:30 or 11:00AM. We’ll depart NYC
approximately 5PM.
We will be making a stop for food on the return trip.
NO GLASS! NO ALCOHOL! We’ll be responsible for cleaning up after ourselves.
The bus is
equipped with a bathroom.
Call To Reserve Seat: E-mail to: ny_coord@2asisters.org Toll free:
Leave full name, phone, e-mail, your exit, and number of passengers.
send bus fare in a
timely fashion.
Checks/Money order: Geneice Hovak.
Send to: PO Box 13986, Albany, NY 12212-0986
Thank you for joining us in defending the Second Amendment!
The Firearms Coalition
Alerts Log, (http://www.nealknox.com/alerts/ )
Will a new Sheriff add additional requirements to getting a handgun license.
Will the Legislature pass new laws banning rifle hunting in Orange County, do they support the state's effort to sell the Stewart Buffer Lands?
70,184 Republicans
55,446 Democrats 37,014 voters no party affiliation 4,058 Independence 3,680 Conservative 1,223 Liberal 1,041 Right to Life 332 Green 155 Working Families |
To begin with, section 922(t)(2)(C) does not say "destroy immediately"; it says only "destroy." When Congress wants to instruct an agency not only to take certain action, but to take it immediately, it knows how to do so.
... Next, let's look at how the disease spreads, what is its vector, or delivery system. To do that, we need to look at the gun market today. Where the hard, cold reality is -- guns are more deadly than ever. Gun manufacturers – in the pursuit of technological innovation and profit – have steadily increased the lethality of firearms. The gun industry's need for new products and new models to stimulate markets that are already oversupplied with guns -- has driven their push to innovate. Newer firearms mean more profits. With the American gun manufacturers producing more than 4.2 million new guns per year – and imports adding another 2.2 million annually – you'd think the market would be saturated.
But that's why they have to sell gun owners new guns for their collections – because guns rarely wear out. Hardly anyone here is driving their grandfathers 1952 Plymouth. But a lot of people probably have their grandfathers 1952 revolver. So gun manufacturers make guns that hold more rounds of ammunition, increase the power of that ammunition, and make guns smaller and easier to conceal.
These changes make guns better suited for crime, because they are easy to carry and more likely to kill or maim whether they are used intentionally or unintentionally. In fact, one of the most popular handgun types today is the so-called “pocket rocket”: a palm-sized gun that is easy to conceal, has a large capacity for ammunition and comes in a high caliber.
... The question remains, what are we – the physician community -- going to do about it? I can tell you first what we're not going to do. We're not going to advocate changing or abolishing the Second Amendment to the Constitution. We really don't have to, to make our point.
The gun lobby loves to use the Second Amendment as a smokescreen – to hide the reality of the damage that guns do – and to prevent our looking any deeper into the facts and statistics of that damage. We've all heard that tired old statement: Guns don't kill people – people kill people. But how does that explain these facts? A gun kept in the home for self-defense is 22 times more likely to be used to kill a family member or a friend than an intruder. The presence of a gun in the home triples the risk of homicide – and increases the risk of suicide fivefold.
And listen to this quote: “. . . the Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. . . . The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon. Surely the Second Amendment does not remotely guarantee every person the constitutional right to have a Saturday night special or a machine gun. . . .There is no support in the Constitution for the argument that federal and state governments are powerless to regulate the purchase of such firearms.”
These are the words of a respected conservative jurist, the late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Warren Burger.