Fish & Game Sportsmens Extravaganza.
Everyone had a lot of
fun at this years event. They had several events and a few vendors
and I had a booth. Two taxidermist had large displays, they had displays
of ATVs and several venders were around. They had a 3D archery shoot,
a kids fishing contest, a bucket raffle, a handgun shoot, a rifle shoot,
a chicken dinner, a marshmallows roast and bonfire and other events.
IT WAS HOT, but everyone had a good time.
They had a great kids fishing contest with
lots of kids and lots of caught fish. |
County Getting ready for DEC's new License system, DECAL
The new DECAL license system is being installed
in Orange County. A stop by the Blooming Grove town hall found
them with 2 new printers especially made for the program. One was
for the licenses and one was for your receipt. The program was installed
on their computer and they were starting to train on the system.
Just expect some problems and incorrect answers where ever you go.
It is a new system, all of the rules are changed and no one knows how everything
works yet. |
error ends primary bid against Asemblywoman Nancy Calhoun
A state Supreme Court justice in Albany yesterday
threw out Lawrence DeLarose's petitions to challenge Assemblywoman Nancy
Calhoun in a September Republican primary next month. The judge,
citing a previous case, said DeLarose's petitions did not pass muster because
they did not specify that he was running to be a member of the Assembly
in the 96th Assembly District. DeLarose is upset by the decision,
especially since the state Board of Elections already approved his petitions
and Calhoun, the GOP incumbent, challenged them. "I'm more for the people
who signed my petitions - over 600 of them - who wanted a choice on September
10th and now apparently, because of a court action are going to be denied
that, even after the Board of Elections certified me as a candidate in
the primary," he said.
DeLarose is undecided if he will appeal
to the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court. But, he vowed to run
in two years.
Calhoun, meanwhile, said as of today, she
is glad to be running as the GOP standard-bearer in the November election:
"We will wait and see what the outcome of this is, but I am very pleased
that, at this point, am the sole Republican candidate and look forward
to campaigning," she said.
The Democratic opponent in the race
is Orange County legislator Roxanne Donnery. |
Sheriff Bigger withdraws from bid for spot on Independence Party
Orange County Sheriff Frank Bigger withdrew
his bid to appear on the Independence Party ballot line yesterday after
a campaign worker testified she had signed off on several nominating petitions
she had never seen signed. That admission of a violation of state
election law – and possibly criminal law – threw into doubt Bigger's hopes
to keep a ballot line in his re-election bid this fall.
Under sheriff John E. Thompson's secretary
testified that in July she acted as witness to petitions for Bigger and
Patrick J. Berardinelli Jr., a candidate for coroner. Shirley Switala,
36, of Mount Hope, tearfully acknowledged she had not witnessed what her
signature implied she had seen.
It was stated that Bigger had limited contact
with the people who prepared the petitions.
MY2¢ It is impossible to understand how something
like this could happen. These people have passed out petitions for
many campaigns so they should know the rules and they should know that
the person that is the witness has to witness the person signing the petition.
Missing from the story is who asked or directed that Shirley Switala violate
the law and sign as a witness.
To witness a signature on a petition you have
to be a member of the same party that the petition is for or you have to
be a notary and you have to WITNESS THE SIGNATURE. |
Opponent accuses Bigger campaign of fraud
8/9/02, By Timothy O'Connor, Times Herald-Record,
Goshen – Helen Wagner's name is right there
on line five, Page 12, of Sheriff H. Frank Bigger's petitions for the Independence
Party line in November's election. Her address is there, too. So is the
date, July 22, 2002. There's just one problem, Helen Wagner, a registered
Independence Party member, never signed any such petition. "It is
not my signature," the Middletown woman said in a sworn affidavit, "nor
did I sign or authorize anyone to sign on my behalf."
Bigger, the top law enforcement official
in the county, was accused of fraud yesterday by the campaign of Carl DuBois,
his opponent in the Sept. 10 Republican primary. The petitions Bigger
submitted to garner the Independence line are "permeated with fraud," said
Kevin Hayden, DuBois' campaign manager, in court papers filed yesterday
in state Supreme Court in Goshen. The DuBois campaign charged that
Bigger's campaign workers forged signatures of some voters among the 377
signatures filed last week. The DuBois campaign said the alleged forgeries,
along with incorrect addresses and incomplete signatures, should invalidate
213 of those signatures, leaving Bigger 52 signatures short of the required
number to get the line. The DuBois campaign wants state Supreme Court
Justice Joseph G. Owen to knock out those signatures. The campaign also
filed complaints with the county Board of Elections. With the Independence
line, Bigger would be guaranteed a spot on the November ballot. DuBois,
a retired Middletown police lieutenant, already has the Conservative Party
endorsement. John Whiffen, the Town of Highlands police chief, is the Democratic
Susan Bahren, an elections board commissioner,
said yesterday that her office is reviewing Bigger's petitions.
DuBois said yesterday that the incident is an example of what he calls
poor management by Bigger, who is seeking a third term. "I'm very
disappointed in the sheriff that he didn't examine those petitions himself,"
he said. "I think he's got a lot of explaining to do."
Harry Ross, the head of the county's Independence Party, could not
be reached yesterday for comment. His son, A.J., said a Bigger campaign
worker asked him to sign his dad's name after he told him his father was
out of town.
That is a violation of state election law. "I said, 'No way,'
" A.J. Ross, 22, said yesterday.
Jacqueline Ricciani, Bigger's lawyer,
labeled the accusations "ludicrous." Ricciani, who had not seen the
DuBois campaign's affidavits, also said, "The allegations that the petitions
are permeated with fraud is outrageous, especially since they haven't produced
one piece of proof to support that. |
Hall vs Rep. Hinchey for new 22nd Congressional District
Eric Hall, (R), will be running against Rep. Maurice D., (I tried
to carry a loaded gun onto an airplane and all they did to me was
take away the gun,) Hinchey, (D), for the newly formed 22nd Congressional
District. The new district is made up of most of Rep. Hinchy's old 26th
district and parts of Rep. Ben Gilman's old 20th District that was cut
up when the new districts were created this year. The old 26th district
did not include as much of Orange County. The new 22nd District lines were
drawn to favor Hinchey and includes a section of Orange County that includes
the Democratic stronghold of Middletown where our own Sen. H****** R****
C****** introduced Maurice to the crowd at her recent "Town Hall Meeting".
Board of Elections must justify knocking Wein off
August 14, 2002 , from Wein Press Release
Staten Island, NY. - The federal Court yesterday
afternoon issued an Order to Show Cause against the state Board of Elections
why Republican primary challenger, Louis de la Guardia Wein, should not
be on the ballot for the scheduled September 10, 2002 Republican primary
election. The Order to Show Cause and grant injunctive relief is
based on charges that the Board of Elections and the NYS Legislature conspired
to violate voters' and the candidate's constitutionally-protected Rights
of speech, association and petition. They also conspired to abuse and infringe
voters' and all candidates' rights to equal protection of the laws and
due process. Judge J. Trager of the United States Court, Eastern District
of New York, signed the Order for a hearing scheduled for August 26, 2002.
"This is the first victory in a series of victories
that will make Governor George E. Pataki eat his hypocritical words of
working for fair, free and open elections" Wein said. "This is a
first-step in a process that will break the stranglehold that self-serving,
career politicians have over the people", Wein said. "It's about time that
the people, as in our constitutional 'We, the People', take back our government
and put an end to the phony-baloney that comes out of career politicians
mouths who are really only interested in how much money and retirement
benefits they can steal for themselves from the people", Wein continued. |
changes in NY Hunting and Fishing Licenses
HERE TO LINK TO THE DEC WEB PAGE "Changes for 2002-2003"
licenses to start Aug. 26
license, fee schedule for hunters
The NY DEC has some big changes in store for
Sept. 1. The following are some of the things that are going to change
on Sept. 1st:
Fees for most licenses will go up
Types of Licenses will change. Some types are combined or include
additional privileges
Deer Hunting Licenses Privileges and Tags have changed
The new DECALS (DEC Automated Licensing System) will start.
You will report your take by phone.
New computer lottery system to issue DMP tags so that winners are
issued DMP tags immediately. Follow up lotteries allow all DMP tags
to be issued.
You can now transfer DMP tags to others.
Their have been changes to Deer Bag Limits
Black Powder shooters can now use scopes in all seasons
The biggest change is that all of the licenses
will be issued using the new automated DECALS system. The system
was supposed to be up and running by now but the date has been pushed back
to AUG. 19th and it might slip some more. |
short of signatures in primary bid
The Staten Island Advance, July 26, 2002, By ROBERT
ALBANY -- To force a Republican gubernatorial
primary against Gov. George E. Pataki this fall, Clifton businessman Louis
Wein needed at least 15,000 signatures of support by midnight last night.
He got about 5,000. Four hundred of them are Staten Islanders. But
despite coming up some 10,000 names shy of the requirement, Wein still
filed papers with the state Board of Elections yesterday -- and he has
now pegged his candidacy on the hope a federal judge will let his name
appear on a GOP ballot come September. "We filed knowing we would go to
federal court," Wein told the Advance yesterday after traveling to Albany
to submit the paperwork.
My 2¢ In Orange County, many people
worked very hard at getting Wein on the ballot and they got a large % of
the total signatures. It is bad thing that Wein could not get on
with signatures and he should have been able to get 100,000 or more but
did not happen. Politics is a hard life and it does take a lot to
get that many people to support you but that is the way it is. Those
who worked so hard to should be proud of what they did and anyone who did
not find someway to sign a petition or in some way help should feel regret
and should try to do something the next time they have a chance. |
Lawmakers tout bill aimed at shielding gun makers from lawsuits
By JOE PARMON-Telegram Staff Writer
NY Sportsmen Alert
ILION -- While visiting with Remington Arms
Company officials Tuesday, Assemblyman William Magee (D-Nelson) said protecting
jobs at the Ilion plant is a key element in a bill he is co-sponsoring
that would limit the liability of gun-makers in deaths or injuries caused
by their firearms. Remington officials stressed the strong
need for the bill's passage, saying that warding off lawsuits filed against
gun manufacturers is a cost that manufacturers can ill afford if they hope
to stay in business. "The passage of this bill is vital to the future of
our industry," said senior vice president of manufacturing Paul Cahan.
"I thank people like Assemblyman Magee for having the courage to stand
up and try and protect jobs in the Mohawk Valley."
Assemblyman Marc Butler (R-Newport)
said that safeguarding jobs in Ilion through passage of the firearm bill
was a concern for the entire state, not just for the Mohawk Valley.
Although the bill is currently held up in the Judiciary Committee, and
will likely not have a chance to be reintroduced until the start of the
next legislative session, Magee restated his commitment to the legislation
during his remarks. Still, Magee knows it will be an uphill battle in Albany
as supporters of the bill face some determined opposition.
Gunther COSPNSR Magee: Summary: SAME AS Same as S 2458
Magee; Summary: SAME AS Same as S 2458, A 7447
SAME AS Same as A 7447 |
talk with Scott Armstrong, the NRA NY State paid lobbyist.
I had a short talk with the NRA's paid lobbyist
about how this legislative session went. The NRA considers this year
a relative victory in NY rather than a draw. No harm was done to gun owners
in a major election year -- a major improvement. Next year we will
work on getting some pro-gun owner legislation passed. One close
call was won when wording was taken out of some legislation that was passed
after 911 that would have given the Gov. power over the ownership, sale
and possession of firearms in an emergency.
Scott has been under attack by some
people who support Louis Wein's bid to primary against Gov. Mario Pataki.
A general outline is that Louis Wein was on a radio show and he talked
about the support that he was getting from the pro-gun groups and sports
clubs. NRA support was strongly inferred on the radio show but not
directly stated by Mr. Wein and Scott Armstrong felt like he had to call
in and his brief comment was meant to clarify Mr. Wein's statement and
was not intended to express support or opposition to any candidate for
office. -- It is NRA policy, (I called the NRA to verify it,) to not endorse
any candidate for any office prior to qualification as a legal candidate,
for instance, qualifying for the ballot and as far as I know there has
not been an exception to this policy in New York State. --Scott said that
he never offered support for one gubernatorial candidate over another.
I have talked to several supporters of Wein
and they are very upset and said that Mr. Armstrong misrepresented his
position with the NRA when he was asked to identify himself by the radio
show host. They said that Scott stated that any endorsement
from the NRA would have to go across his desk and that Scott implied that
he knew Wein better than he does. They also said that Scott
called Wein a liar and looser and gave poll numbers showing how far Gov.
Mario Pataki was leading in Gov's race.
Scott said that he knows and personally
supported Wein's campaign stance on the Second Amendment, (as I did,) but
even when I heard Wein speak locally, Wein said that he did not have the
"Official support" of the NRA but expected it, but did have the support
of the NYSRPA and other NY State and local groups. I, along with
anyone reading this, understands the difference but that is something that
many people tuning into a radio show might not. It would have been valid
for Scott to call in to make sure that people understood the NRA's policy
on endorsement but I do not know why he felt like he had to bring up how
well Gov. Mario Pataki was doing in the polls or some of the other things.
I think that things would be different if
Wein had gotten close to the signatures that he needed to get on the primary
ballot but unfortunately Wein fell short by a wide margin. As far
as Scott Armstrongs fate and punishment, the NRA will have to decide what
they will do. While some are upset with Scott, and no one can understand
why he talked about Mario Pataki's poll numbers or other issues besides
the NRA policy on endorsement, I don't think that he should be given a
life sentence. He has the position with the NRA and he is who we
have to work with and we can hope that he learns from this. We all
need to try to work together as much as we can and we should not argue
over issues that would sidetrack us. (I do not think that anyone made a
taped the show. Wein supporters have called the NRA to complain.)
8/16/02 I had a long talk with Rebecca
Williams, the NRA-ILA NY State Liaison. She denied the rumor that
the NRA is supporting Gov. Mario Pataki and said that the NRA, "has not
taken a position in the Governors race to date." She also said that,
"It has never been our objective to damage Louis Wein's as a candidate
and the NRA knows that their is no doubt that Wein is a true supporter
of the 2nd Amendment."
My 2¢ Please remember that the NRA-ILA is following
it's policy on endorsement like they do in every election in ever state
in every race. What ever miss-communications happened, it has been
address and something like this should never happen again and to repeat
myself, "We all need to try to work together as much as we can and we should
not argue over issues that would sidetrack us." |
Legal Earthquake Jolts Gun Manufacturers;
California Legislators Repeal Gun Industry Immunity
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Aug. 23 /U.S. Newswire/
-- In a major defeat for the gun industry, California is about to become
the first state in the country to repeal special legal immunity for gun
manufacturers as the State Assembly approved SB 682 by Senator Don Perata
today. An identical measure, AB 496 by Assemblyman Paul Koretz, passed
the State Senate last week. The bills effectively overturn a California
Supreme Court decision, which held that a 1983 law created a special immunity
shield for gun manufactures. Gun manufacturers could now be held legally
accountable for their conduct. Supporters expect Gov. Gray Davis to sign
the bills since Davis voted against the 1983 immunity bill when he was
in the Assembly.
MY 2¢ This will
open the door to a flood of lawsuits in Cal. by just about anyone for
any reason. HCI could not be happier.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service director promises to 'restore balance'
If the new director of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service keeps his promise, there'll be rejoicing among millions of American
anglers. Steve Williams, speaking to more than 100 state fisheries officials
and angler activists during festivities last week that accompanied the
annual BASS Masters Classic fishing championship in Birmingham, Ala.,
vowed to "restore balance" to his agency's fisheries program.
Before Williams took office earlier this
year, the F&WS had been the recipient of much criticism by outdoorsmen
for its neglect of recreational fishing (as well as hunting). Along
came Williams, who told the BASS Classic crowd, "Fishermen and hunters
are the first line of conservation defense." "You all are in a position
to lead the direction of conservation of aquatic resources in America,"
Williams said. "We need your help. Help guide us in the development of
this document."
The "document" is the draft of a fisheries program
strategic plan developed with the cooperation of the Sport Fishing and
Boating Partnership Council, which includes the sanctioning body of the
annual BASS Classic, the international Bass Anglers Sportsman Society.
The fact that Williams is a fisherman and hunter, unlike previous F&WS
directors, brings hope to Americans who share his recreational passions.
He also is a wildlife biologist and has served in the state ranks of resource
management, most recently as secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife
and Parks.
The plan says, "The vision of the Service and
its Fisheries Program is a future of healthy aquatic systems that are
populated with an abundance of fish and other aquatic organisms. To achieve
this vision, the Fisheries Program will work with its partners to 1) Protect
the health of aquatic habitats. 2) Restore fish and other aquatic resources.
3) Provide opportunities to enjoy the benefits of healthy aquatic resources."
The plan also emphasizes partnerships with states, tribes and anglers
as the main means to achieve its objectives of conserving fish and other
aquatic resources and enhancing opportunities for fishing on F&WS
lands. |
the Posse Comitatus Act
Bush administration officials are thinking about
changing the Posse Comitatus Act, of 1878, which makes it a criminal offense
to use U.S. military forces "to execute the laws." The National
Strategy for Homeland Security the administration released on July 16
suggests the time may have come to weaken the protections provided by
the Act. As it's phrased in the National Strategy, "The threat of catastrophic
terrorism requires a thorough review of the laws permitting the military
to act within the United States."
From suppression of strikers in the 19th
century, to the deaths at Kent State, to the 1997 Marine Corps killing
of an American high school student at the Mexican border, deviation from
our tradition of civilian law enforcement has had grave consequences throughout
American history.
In 1981, Congress weakened the Posse Comitatus
Act substantially to allow military involvement in the war on drugs. Misuse
of the "drug exceptions" to the act helped lead to the worst disaster
in U.S. law enforcement history: the 1993 tragedy in Waco, Texas. Federal
law enforcement authorities used false allegations of methamphetamine
trafficking by the Branch Davidians to obtain military hardware and personnel.
Indeed, it was U.S. Army Delta Force commanders who advised federal agents
to launch a tank assault against the Branch Davidians' dwellings. The
result was more than 80 dead, including 27 children. If anything needs
review and revision, it's the ill-considered exceptions to the Posse Comitatus
Act. |
Mart changes NICS policy
Wal Mart, one of the largest gun dealers
in the nation, has changed its policy regarding the required Federal NICS
background check. Below is an excerpt from the policy
statement on their web site:
In June 2002, Wal-Mart made the voluntary
decision not to make a gun sale to anyone until we receive an approved
background check from the National Instant Check System (NICS), even if
the approval process lasts longer than three business days. Currently,
gun retailers can legally make a gun sale without NICS approval, if that
approval is still pending after three business days.
After reviewing the facts and considering
the issue, it was clear that this decision is simply the right thing to
Historically, more than 99 percent of our
gun sales are approved through the NICS approval process within three
business days, so this should affect only a fraction of our sales. In
addition, of the background checks that are still pending after three
business days, we learned that a relatively high percentage of these are
ultimately turned down through NICS. |
Seek to Expand Gun Background Checks
By Jeff Johnson, Congressional Bureau Chief,
July 31, 2002
Capitol Hill ( - Four senators,
calling themselves an "odd quad," joined together Tuesday to expand the
database of information used to permit or deny gun purchases through the
FBI's "National Instant Check System." The four introduced the "Our
Lady of Peace Act," which is identical to the companion bill of the same
name in the House (H.R. 4757, sponsored in the House by McCarthy-Dingell.)
The bill is named after a church in Lynbrook, N.Y., where the pastor and
a parishioner were shot to death by a man who had a history of mental
illness and violent behavior, and was under a restraining order for domestic
violence - which he had violated at least twice - when the shooting occurred.
"We are an odd group," Sen. Chuck Schumer
(D-N.Y.) said of his colleagues: Sens. Larry Craig (R-Idaho), John McCain
(R-Ariz.), and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.). "But not when it comes to making
sure that guns are kept away from drug addicts, felons, illegal aliens,
and others." "The problem is that this kind of information is not
always shared with the NICS system," Schumer said. "And so, when the background
check is performed, the information never appears, the red flags aren't
raised, and the gun purchase goes right through." Craig said the
government has a responsibility to make background checks instant, accurate,
and complete, and no excuse for not doing so. "In a nation where
you can walk into any store and swipe your credit card and have an instant
accounting of your financial capabilities," he explained, "we cannot do
something similar to determine whether that individual is legal or illegal
in the action of purchasing a firearm, shame on us as a system for not
doing that."
The legislation would mandate that information
be provided to the FBI for inclusion in NICS on individuals who:
- Are under indictment or have been convicted of a crime punishable
by more than one year in prison;
- Are fugitives from justice;
- Are unlawful users and/or addicts of any controlled substance;
- Have been adjudicated as mentally defective or have been committed
to any mental institution;
- Are subject to a court order restraining them from domestic violence;
- Have been convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor.
The proposal would provide grants to the states
to establish or upgrade information and identification technologies for
firearms eligibility determinations; and to improve the reporting of criminal
history dispositions and temporary restraining orders as they relate to
disqualification from firearms ownership. McCain noted that checking
mental health records, which are seldom automated, has been the main impediment
to truly "instant" background checks. "Probably ten or 15 years ago,
technology would not allow us to consider this kind of legislation," he
said. "I hope that, with the passage of this bill, that we will be able
to, with further improvements in technology, provide for the instant background
checks that all of us seek."
Schumer attempted to calm the fears of mental
health advocates, who worry personal information about their clients could
be inadvertently released by the NICS system. "We've taken real precautions
on that, to really guard the privacy of the mentally ill," he said. "It
should be on the record that somebody's mental illness, or being committed
to an institution doesn't allow them to have a gun, but all the details
are still kept completely away, even from the [NICS] system."
Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners
of America (GOA), says the bill still risks the privacy of the mentally
ill, and makes a very incorrect assumption about mental illness. "We object
to that as a violation of their medical privacy rights," he told
. "Also, just on pragmatic grounds, knowing that someone has had a mental
problem in the past has absolutely nothing to do with predicting future
violent behavior." Pratt points to research published in "Violence
and Mental Disorder: Development in Risk Assessment" by John Monahan and
Henry Steadman (University of Chicago Press). The study found that mental
health professionals could not accurately predict violent behavior even
in a group of known mentally ill criminals with a history of violence.
"Psychiatrists and psychologists are accurate in no more than one out of
three predictions of violent behavior over a several-year period among institutionalized
populations that had both committed violence in the past (and thus had high
base rates for it), and who were diagnosed as mentally ill," the report
stated. "They would have done better flipping a coin," Pratt quipped.
The individual responsible for the "Our Lady of Peace" murders was not arrested
for the two previous violations of a restraining order, offenses that would
have carried mandatory jail time had he been arrested. "Why didn't
they pick him up?" Pratt asked, rhetorically.
Gun Owners of America has compiled documentation
of numerous instances where mandatory background checks and other delays
cost citizens their lives. In one such incident, Bonnie Elmasri wanted
to obtain a gun to protect herself from her husband, who had repeatedly
threatened to kill her. Before the mandatory waiting period and background
check had been completed, her husband killed Elmasri and her two sons.
GOA research has also documented instances
where individuals denied firearms by the NICS system were able to obtain
them illegally. The group cites the 1999 case of Benjamin Smith, who
was rejected by a background check when he tried to buy a weapon from an
Illinois gun dealer. According to a published report, Smith "hit the streets
and in just three days had two handguns" from an illegal source. Less than
a week after being "prohibited" from obtaining a gun by the NICS system,
Smith shot two people to death and wounded nine others.
Pratt believes the legislation is merely
another attempt to exploit a tragic event with the actual goal of chipping
away at the Second Amendment right of individuals to own and possess firearms.
"It's just another 'Schumer & Company' effort to expand the number of
Americans who are 'legally' prohibited from owning a gun," he added. "And
what Schumer is talking about is not going to make anybody any safer, at
The co-sponsors expect both the Senate and
House to pass the proposal after the August recess. They say they have been
working with the Justice Department to insure that the language of the measure
is acceptable to the White House in hopes that the bill would be signed
into law before the end of the year. |
New TSA Head 'Hesitant' About Arming Pilots
By Jeff Johnson, Congressional Bureau Chief, July 25, 2002
Capitol Hill ( - The new acting director
of the Transportation Security Agency says he is "hesitant" about proposals
to train and voluntarily arm commercial airline pilots with deadly weapons
to defend against terrorist attacks. Adm. James Loy, acting Undersecretary
for Transportation Security, made the statement to the Senate Commerce,
Science, and Transportation Committee Thursday morning. "I need to
learn about this and get up the learning curve very quickly," he said of
proposals that the TSA screen, train, and arm pilot volunteers to serve
as a last line of defense against potential terrorist hijackings. "I can
say that on the upshot, I'm hesitant, but I'm also being directed to conduct
a review, and I will do that." Loy said the TSA is currently
investigating the potential ramifications of arming pilots and he wants
to "be objective" in examining the results of that review.
Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) says he's looking forward
to Loy's answer, but feels there may already have been too much investigation
and not enough action. "I think some of these cases, whenever we start
talking about homeland security, have to be based, sometimes, on gut feeling
and common sense," he said. "And I think we'd better start making these
decisions right away."
attacks pro-gun Democrat Rep. John Dingell
( 7/26/02) - The dean of the U.S. House of Representatives,
Democrat John Dingell, is being targeted for defeat by one of America's
most prominent gun control groups, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
The Brady Campaign has launched a website to criticize what it calls Dingell's
"dismal record" on "gun violence protection." Dingell, who has represented
Michigan in Congress for nearly 47 years, is the first to be named to
the Brady Campaign's "Dangerous Dozen" list of congressional candidates
in this year's elections. Other names will follow.
Most people will remember that it was Pro-gun Rep. Dingell that, several
years ago, was a leader in defeating a bill that would have closed the
"Gun Show Loop Hole" that would have also closed many gun shows and
would have added miles of red tape to those who wanted to put on anything
that might look like a gun show. It was the failure of the Anti-gun
radical left to compromise that prompted Dingell and some other pro-gun
Democrats to defeat the bill.
man invents bullet to prevent accidental shootings
PANAMA CITY, Fla. July 29, 2002, AP- Accidental shootings involving children
nationally along with one next door prompted Mike Worley to invent a bullet
to prevent such tragedies. Worley, a professional photographer and
gun enthusiast who belongs to the National Rifle Association, turned in
a patent application earlier this year for the design that will lock up
a gun when accidentally fired.
In case after case, children have shot
themselves or playmates with guns that adults had hidden away and even
locked up, Worley said Monday. The Safety Bullet would be left in
the firing chamber. If the owner needed to shoot the weapon for self protection
it could be quickly ejected, clearing the way for a real bullet in the
next chamber. If someone should pull the trigger with the Safety
Bullet in the firing chamber, however, it would jam the weapon until removed
with a special tool.