Orange County Shooters
News from the Orange County NY, NY State and the Nation of interest to gun owners and sportsmen APRIL 2004 Newsletter |
NYSRPA-ALERTS by Jacob J. Rieper, Legislative Director New York State Rifle & Pistol Association CoBIS or Gun "DNA" Watch
Team |
Total Points |
Average |
Behind |
1 |
Monroe Chester | 24460 | 2223.6 | |
2 |
Pleasantville | 24153 | 2195.7 | 307 |
3 |
Middletown | 24068 | 2188.0 | 85 |
4 |
DCPA | 23904 | 2173.1 | 164 |
5 |
Black Rock | 22148 | 2013.5 | 1756 |
6 |
Rockland | 22082 | 2007.5 | 66 |
7 |
Woodbury | 19900 | 1809.1 | 2182 |
The T H-R ran an editorial on March 4th that voiced their opinion against the bill that would end the frivolous lawsuites against gun makers and others. They did favor the renewal of the AWB and having a national background check at gun shows. I sent them an e-mail the same day that I wanted to be published in the MY VIEW section. After several weeks I called and they said that I had neglected to provide my address and phone number. (It was in the e-mail.) and then they said that they would publish it with out editing it. The published the letter but it was only 20% of the original size. When I called to complain, they said that they did not edit it and that was what I had sent them. (I do not see how I sent them what they printed but what can I do.) Below is their Original Editorial on March 4th, what I sent them on March 4th and what they published on April 6th.
March 04, 2004
A win/lose vote on guns, THR EditorialSuch are the nuances (absurdities?) of politics in Washington, D.C., that the National Rifle Association demonstrated its still-considerable political clout in the U.S. Senate on a bill that actually represented a significant defeat for the anti-gun-control crowd.
Tuesday, the Senate rejected a bad bill that had seemed bound for certain passage, even though the bill as amended contained three measures that a majority of senators supported.
The bill in question would have provided irresponsible gun dealers and gun manufacturers with immunity from lawsuits filed by victims of crimes. President Bush and conservative Republicans favored it, which put it on track to passage in the GOP-controlled Senate.
Senate Democrats did not support the measure. To their credit, they managed to add two amendments to it, extending the ban on assault weapons and requiring background checks on purchasers at gun shows. Several Republicans joined Demo-crats to pass the amendments, which are basic common sense. And the president had previously said he supported both measures as well.
But when the final bill came up for a vote, the NRA put out the word that it would not take the immunity for gun-makers if it meant banning assault weapons and requiring background checks for gun buyers. Does anybody still doubt the single-minded opposition of this group to any reasonable efforts at gun control?
To their great discredit, most Senate Republicans caved in and voted against the bill. The good news is that crime victims will not have their right to sue gun manufacturers denied this year. The bad news is that much of Congress is so fearful of the NRA that it may let the assault weapons ban expire.
This is also a significant discredit to Bush, who has said he favors extending the assault weapons ban and the background checks, but has ignored both as his re-election campaign neared, deciding instead to protect companies that make guns.
The best bet now is for gun-control advocates in both houses and in both parties to forget about unwise compromises with the gun lobby and seek passage of the assault weapons ban and background checks on their own merits, which are considerable.What I sent them on March 4th.
You can just say that you are for all gun control without having to lie about it.No one objects to the T H-R editorial board supporting gun control no matter how bad or meaningless it is however you don’t need to lie and misrepresent the facts as you did in your March 4th, “A Win/loose vote on guns” opinion.
First, while you love to demonize the NRA and they are the largest pro-gun group, they only have a few million members. It is the power and combined efforts of all of the pro-gun groups both nationally, like Gun Owners of America, Pink Pistols, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Second Amendment Sisters and the thousands of state, county and other groups and the millions of nonaffiliated gun owners that work together to preserve our rights. You don’t think that is wrong when other special interest groups like unions, NOW, MMM and AARP do it.
Second, the bill WOULD NOT HAVE “provided irresponsible gun dealers and gun manufacturers with immunity from lawsuits filed by victims of crimes” as anyone who reads the bill will find out. What it would do is block frivolous lawsuits funded by government bodies and well financed anti-gun groups that are attempting to bankrupt gun makers. NY’s own AG Spitzer lost a frivolous lawsuit that the appeals court dismissed saying: "… giving a green light to a common-law public nuisance cause of action today will, in our judgment, likely open the courthouse doors to a flood of limitless, similar theories of public nuisance, not only against these defendants, but also against a wide and varied array of other commercial and manufacturing enterprises and activities. All a creative mind would need to do is construct a scenario describing a known or perceived harm of a sort that can somehow be said to relate back to the way a company or an industry makes, markets and/or sells its non-defective, lawful product or service, and a public nuisance claim would be conceived and a lawsuit born. …" Another anti-gun group lost another frivolous lawsuit when the jury found that not a single defendant, (gun maker,) was found to be either intentionally or negligently responsible for a public nuisance as was claimed in the lawsuit. The only thing accomplished so far is the increase in the cost of all guns to pay for all of the lawyers.
Third, the promoters of the assault weapons ban, (AWB,) use fear, lies and misrepresentation to support this ban. The guns that were banned shoot at the same rate of fire with the same bullets as most guns used in target shooting and hunting. Just because a rifle has a folding or telescoping stock, a threaded barrel, a pistol grip, a forward grip, or a barrel shroud does not make it any more deadly. The bill, as its supports admit, is just a first step in banning almost all popular rifles and handguns. That is why bills proposed to replace the current AWB include not only the 19 rifles in the original bill but also hundreds more that are now considered OK. People who hate guns also now claim that guns made in compliance of the AWB should now be called Assault Weapons and be banned.
Finally, “Closing the Gun Show loophole,” could be done on a national level, like has been done in NY State, if the gun haters made some minor changes to the bill. This bill could have passed years ago except some people chose to keep a campaign slogan rather than passing it.
The T H-R always supports all anti-gun legislation and it is interesting to note that it has not come out against Pataki’ proposed unlimited tax on all handgun licenses. The T H-R also supported NY’s CoBIS or Gun DNA program 3 years ago. So far 63,351 legal guns have been recorded at a cost of over $12,333,333 with not one gun even connected to a crime. Will the editorial board admit that they were wrong and call for the end of this program that waste tax payer money?This is what the published Letters to the editor for April 6, 2004
Facts misrepresentedNo one objects to the TH-R editorial board supporting gun control; however, you do not need to lie and misrepresent the facts as you did in your March 4 editorial "A win/lose vote on guns."
While you love to demonize the NRA and they are the largest pro-gun group, they only have a few million members. It is the power and combined efforts of all of the pro-gun groups both nationally, like Gun Owners of America, Pink Pistols, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Second Amendment Sisters Inc. and the thousands of state, county and other local groups that have the power to preserve our rights.
The bill would not have "provided irresponsible gun dealers and gun manufacturers with immunity from lawsuits filed by victims of crimes," as anyone who reads the bill will find out. What it would do is block lawsuits funded by government bodies and well-financed anti-gun groups that attempt to bankrupt gun-makers and others with frivolous lawsuits.
George Rogero
Blooming Grove
The NY Senate passed
a bill that would allow Junior Archers to hunt
big game. Only 11 people in the NY Senate voted against it and
one of them was Orange County's own Thomas P. Morahan. Sen. Morahan
represents mostly Rockland but also represents Warwick and Tuxedo in
south-east Orange County.
Morahan has always been an obstructionist, almost always using as a
reason to not try to pass pro gun legislation that we
would be opening a topic and once it is open the anti-gunners in NY City would
want to rewrite it and we will be worse off. (Like that stops them from trying
to pass every anti-gun law that they can now.)
Sen. Morahan was recently on WTBQ on Jeff Berkman's
show on Wed. and
was asked why he voted against the Jr. Hunting bill. Is reply was stock anti-hunting,
(gun) rhetoric. "It must be because I am from the city," and (my rephrase,)
'it is dangerous to have 12 year olds running around in the woods, they could
someone.' He also said that was the same reason that he voted to raise the age
for having a handgun license to 21.
It is obvious that he never read the bill, especially the part where
it said that the Jr. Archers would have to have a parent or adult with them.
It is also amazing that he did not express his opinion about this bill and other
similar bills when hunters from Orange County talked to him in March as part
of our annual March on Albany. One
of our main point was to expand the hunting licenses to include Junior Hunters
in all hunting as long as they were under
the supervision of a licensed adult. History has proven that Junior hunters are
the woods. (I guess that he thinks that he will get no votes from the Jr. Hunters
for voting for the bill but he would have lost a lot of votes from the liberals
and ant-hunters.)
Permit Reference Forms must be notarized in the presence of the
The Orange County Sheriff's Office
is encountering problems with pistol permit applications. At present,
character reference forms are to be submitted notarized with
application. The Sheriff's Department has done some spot checks
on the notarizations, and
found that some notaries are notarizing the forms not in the
presence of
the signatory. This is a violation of law that the Department
of State does not tolerate, nor does the Sheriff's Department.
When submitting pistol permit applications,
please ensure that each character reference form is signed
the presence of a notary. The Sheriff's Office takes the issuance
of a pistol permit
very seriously, and will deny processing the permit if any
laws are broken
for convenience or to cut corners.
(For those who do not know or remember, former O.C.
Officer had to plead guilty to misconduct in relation to circulating petitions
that were notarized illegally when the signatory was not present when the petitions
were signed.)
Elections are fast approaching and while everyone knows that they will be picking the next President, many people are going to be surprised who else they are going to be voting for. The process to select who will be running for the other various NY State and Federal offices has been going on for several months and the final selections will be made soon. Primaries will be made in Nov. but without the support, effort and work of many people, those who want to run for an office will not be able to get together a campaign to make it into the primaries. All of the usual elections will take place this year and it is too early to try to go into detail on most of them so I will only outline the most important. (I will be adding to this article through out the month so check back for more names and details.)
FEDERAL - We all know who is running for President, but Sen. UpChuck Schumer has to run and it looks like Orange County's own 97th District Assemblyman Howard Mills is going to be the Republican candidate. He has a very large uphill battle but it is possible.
COUNTY- NY ASSEMBLY - With Howard Mills having to give up his Assembly seat to run for the Federal Senate, that opens up a seat and several people will be running.
Hon. Stewart Rosenwasser took office in 2000 and issues pistol
for Towns
of Blooming Grove, Hamptonburgh, Tuxedo, Warwick, Woodbury. He
been a great Judge, A++, but he wants to take a higher position
so he will be a candidate for state Supreme Court for the 9th Judicial
District. That will leave open a position for a new County Judge
and Orange County's District Attorney. Frank, (Francis,) D. Phillips,
who has held the office since 1986, has a lock on that position
on the Republican side if he wants it. (OCShooters has had reports
that he wants it and reports that he does not want it, I will try
to find out ASAP.) (OCShooters has not talked to Phillips about
his position on unrestricted licenses
but I did
see him give
a speech to some sports people when he was running for the DA position.
Phillips started talking about the gun problems in NY are caused
by the lax gun laws in other states. Not a very good start and
far from Rosnewasser's, "I have never know a robber to say that
he can't rob a bank because his restricted gun license does not
have a "... and to possess while going to and from robbing a bank,"
counties that the Judges serve in. The winners are the 5 who get the largest
number of
the field. Robert A. Onofry, who's been a Port Jervis City
Court judge since 1997 will run for a second 9th Judicial District seat if that
opens up. If the second seat does not open up and Rosnewasser wins a seat in
the 9th then
for Rosenwasser's County Court position next year. Rosenwasser County Judgeship
will not officially open up until Rosenwasser takes the oath of office for his
new 9th District seat the first of Jan. 2005. At that time the County Judge position
will be open and Gov. Mario Pataki can choose to call a special election or
wait for the normal November elections. Gov. Mario Pataki, can at any point in
appoint a judge to the vacant seat no matter when the election is being held
and by doing that the person who is appointed is given a leg up in the race.]
Each County Judge is elected for 10 years and they have to retire at age 70. Of all of the votes that anyone can make that has a direct impact on handgun licenses in Orange County, THIS IS IT! |
I looked up the Lakewood
Rod and Gun Club and found out that it is not your
normal gun club. Look at the following link and you
will see what their restaurant and bar, in a 15,000
square-feet building, look like: I called the club and from what I was told the rooms can be reserved by any member. The club has over 8,000 members and operates a private bar and restaurant in the building and also allows members to reserve rooms or the restaurant for events. The club would not normally have to approve who reserves the rooms and does not approve or disapprove awards that any group gives while using the building. The local Democratic party was having some large meetings in the county at other locations and many local, state and national Democratic party people attended, Sen. UpChuck being one of them. Someone from the Independence Party who is also a member of the club reserved a small room for a $50 a person fundraiser/cocktail party. As part of his visit, UpChuck stopped by for a few minutes and was given the award. Sen. UpChuck did stop by the restaurant and spoke over a mike and while he was welcome by some, their was grumbling by some who were in the restaurant at the time. Again, the Lakewood Rod and Gun Club would not normally have to approve who reserves the rooms and does not approve or disapprove awards that any group gives while using the building. |
A judge has ordered a hearing to determine if Nassau County's $200 fee for the issuance of a pistol license is unconstitutional. State Supreme Court Justice Burton S. Joseph in Pemberton v. Nassau, 2104-02, found an issue of fact existed as to whether the fee was based on a rational analysis of costs to the county. A group of residents disputed the county's argument that the expenses of running the police department's pistol license section exceeded the revenue from the fees, which were previously $40 for the issuance of a license and $25 for a renewal. Under the current fee system, implemented in 2000, the fees for issuance and renewal are each $200. The judge found that the residents presented "extremely credible evidence" to suggest that the county's costs did not match the more than 800 percent fee increase. Justice Joseph rejected the county's argument that the court could not review the fee because the State Legislature had authorized Nassau to utilize the fee as a tax. He reasoned that the regulation and issuance of a pistol license is an exercise of the state's police power, which is subject to review by the court.
Most Dutchess County lawmakers want no part of it. Neither do
some citizens, including David Warshaw, chairman of SCOPE, the
Shooter's Committee on Political Education. We don't put a price
on constitutional rights,” he said. “We don't charge
you for the words that you record here today and for the print
that you print out. We don't charge people for the size of the
sign that they have that protests the war or supports the war.
We likewise feel that people should not be taxed for exercising
the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”
Mark Molinaro agreed a constitutional issue was at stake, but
other legislators said it is simply opposition to
the state finding yet another way of raising money at the expense
of a particular group of citizens.
Four legislators opposed the
resolution, including Joel Tyner, who said the cost of the proposed renewal would
amount to only
about 25 cents a day, something he says gun owners can afford.
Late reports from Albany indicate the State Senate is not likely to go along
with Pataki's suggestion.
At the City Council's
April 21 meeting City Council Speaker
Gifford Miller (D-Manhattan) will introduce a bill that would
require guns sold or possessed in the city
to be "personalized" so
they can be fired by authorized adult users only.
Miller and the bill's co-sponsors believe fingerprint scanners and other high-tech
gizmos could be used to prevent guns from being fired by unauthorized users,
especially by children who discover guns in their homes and accidentally shoot
themselves or their friends.
"We know that there are sensible technologies
that are right on the horizon that can reduce these terrible tragedies, that
can eliminate the sorts of accidents that take young kids' lives," Miller,
a possible mayoral candidate in 2005, said yesterday during
a City Hall press conference unveiling the legislation. "I
have no problem with the cost of guns going up, ... We
should be making guns more difficult for people to have access
to, not easier."
Smart-gun technology is currently not commercially
available, so the bill wouldn't take effect until three years
after the
technology is first introduced on the market. The measure also
includes exemptions for law enforcement officers and guns purchased
before the legislation takes effect.
But gun owners on Staten Island
believe the bill is another attempt to infringe on their rights to keep and bear
arms. "They
aim to disarm us," said
Tony Castellano, membership director of the Staten Island Sportsmen's
Club, which operates
a trap-shooting range at 170 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield. Castellano
argued that the bill, if enacted, would be ignored by criminals
who own illegal guns. A crackdown on gun-toting
criminals would accomplish the city's public safety goals without
infringing upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners, he said.
Other Island gun owners said the smart-gun devices envisioned
by the
bill either won't work or will be too expensive for the
average gun-owner. "It's not feasible,"said one member
of the Richmond Boro Gun Club in Charleston.
The NAACP lost a major
lawsuit last year in July when a Judge
Dismissed NAACP Lawsuit Against Gun Makers. (With major
funding from George Soros.) The dismissal was a surprise to
many because the NAACP had Judged shopped
and found one of the most liberal
and activist judge
that anyone can find. An advisory jury in the NAACP case found
unanimously for 38 of the industry defendants and found for
seven other
defendants by a vote of at least 10 of the 12 jurors, and
in 23 additional instances the jury failed to come to a decision.
Not a single defendant was found to be either intentionally
or negligently responsible for a public nuisance the NAACP
claimed. Even so, many expected the Judge to ignore the "advisory
jury's" decision and to find against some of the gun makers.
At a conference in Albany, representatives from
some of the 77 of the NAACP NY chapters decided their state wide agenda. Guess
what is important to them? You guessed it, being able to prosecute gun dealers
whose firearms are used in crimes if the gun dealer has not followed all of the
rules that the NAACP thinks that they should do.
UPDATE 4/27/04 Assemblyman Mills pursues maximum exposure, T H-R, 4/27/04 |
Senator Craig (R-Idaho) responds to critics regarding his position
on the NRA Board of Directors and displays once again why he is
one of
the leading defenders of gun owners` rights in America |