Reservations for the 2090 Regular Big Game Hunting Season
Reservations are required for the first two days (Saturday and Sunday) of the Regular Big Game season.
To make a reservation, call Tuesday, 11 days before opening day, beginning at 8:30 AM.
Only one reservation will be accepted per phone call. The telephone number to make a reservation is 845-256-3095.
Stewart State Forest

If you want to print out the map, click the following links,
print the map
half and put them together.
West of Drury Lane lies over 7,000 acres
of land that New York State took over many years ago. They took the
land using EMANATE DOMAIN and forced everyone to move off the land and now
all of the land is forest and leased farm land. Through SPARC's efforts, the state has set aside
6,700 acres of land as the Stewart State Forestg Area. SPARC is leading
the effort to keep all of the land West of Drury Lane free of any development.
Please click on the SPARC LOGO
to link to find out about the Stewart Buffer lands and to get the newest news.
We should not accept the loss of any public lands that we use and support


Entrance to Stewart on Rt. 207

Assistant Forest Ranger D. P. Strum at the
DEC Check Station at the Weed Rd. gate.
Hunting information
DEC check station 496-4042 on RT. 207
following is from the 2006-2007 pamphlet.
Stewart State Forest
Hunting Regulations
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Please note the following changes to the brochure for the 2007 hunting season.
- Parking Areas 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62 are on the east side of Barron Road.
- Parking Areas 82 and 83 are currently unavailable. No reservations will be taken for these parking areas at this time.
NOTE: Everyone will be happy to know that the roads have been fixed. |
at the Stewart State Forest Area
Stewart State Forest comprises 6,700 acres of state reforestation
land west of the Stewart Airport in the towns of Montgomery, New
Windsor and Hamptonburg in Orange County.
regulations for the Stewart Cooperative Hunting area are in effect
from October 1 through the end of the Regular Big Game Season in
December. During this period, access to the area is for licensed
hunters and trappers only, and the main gate at Weed Road is open
to allow vehicular access to the interior roads of the property.
The areas posted as restricted are reserved for hunters with disabilities
who have been issued a “Non-Ambulatory Hunter Permit.”
Big Game Season
are required for the first Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Friday
and the second Saturday and Sunday of the Regular Big Game Season
and must be made before the opening day. As
described below, reservations will be taken by telephone at the
field station only, beginning at 8:30 AM. Only one reservation
per call will be accepted.
make reservations for the frst Saturday (opening day), Sunday
or Monday -Call Tuesday, 11 days before opening day.
make a reservation for the first Friday, or second Saturday
or Sunday - Call Wednesday, 10 days before opening day.
are required to claim their reservation by 7:00 AM. Unclaimed
reservations may be reassigned. Vacating a parking area after
8:00 AM will result in forfeiture of the party's reservation
for the remainder of the day.
telephone number at the field station is 845-496-4042. |
Area Regulation
regulations apply from October 1 through the end of the Regular
Big Game Season
- Hunters
are prohibited in areas posted as restricted areas.
- Access
for any purpose is prohibited in the Stewart State Forest Area
without a valid hunting or trapping license.
- The
area will be open daily from one hour before sunrise until one
half- hour after sunset.
- Any person may be
ejected from the area for disorderly conduct, intoxication, violation
of area regulations or any conduct which endangers public safety.
- No hunters shall park
their vehicles in other than a designated parking area and then
only if the parking quota is not filled.
- Hunters shall hunt
only on the same side of the road as their vehicles are parked.
- The crossing of roads
while hunting in the area is prohibited.
- Not more than three
persons shall hunt or be afield together in one party, and not
more than three persons are allowed per vehicle.
- Not more than two
dogs shall be used by any single hunter or party hunting together.
- No
target or promiscuous shooting is permitted in the area.
- No
rifles or pistols (except muzzleloading rifles during the Regular
Big Game and Muzzleloading season) shall be used or carried afield
in the area.
- All regulatory signs
posted by DEC shall be obeyed.
- The following acts
are prohibited: littering, picnicking, building fires, damaging
fences or gates, annoying livestock, molesting equipment or other
farm property, damaging standing crops or newly planted fields,
taking fruit or other farm produce, picking flowers, cutting or
breaking branches of trees or shrubs, hunting or shooting near
or otherwise disturbing persons who may be working in the area.
- Vehicular traffic
is prohibited beyond any closed gate.
- The area speed limit
is 15 mph.
- All other applicable
provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law shall be in effect.
- No shooting from,
on, or across any road.
Between the End of the Regular Big Game Season and September
for all species is allowed in season, however, the main gate at
Weed Road will not be open, and hunters must access the area on
foot or bicycle. As shown on the area map, there are several peripheral
parking areas that may be used.
Furbearer Hunting
furbearer hunting is allowed during respective seasons. Night hunters,
however, must park outside of all gates (whether open or closed).
is allowed with a valid trapping license. Trappers must not park
in designated hunting parking areas. For the purpose of trapping,
trappers may enter all restricted areas west of Drury Lane.
Further Assistance:
South Putt Corners Rd.
New Paltz, NY 12561
Wildlife: 845-256-3098
Enforcement: 845-256-3013
Forest Rangers: 845-256-3026
Forest Rangers:845-256-3076

Stewart's Phone in system for reservations.
11 days before opening |
SATURDAY (Opening) |
10 days before opening |
First Friday |
Second Saturday |
Second Sunday |
To get a reservation for the for
the restricted dates you
have to call in on the specified day the week before opening day.
The system is totally random because no one knows who will be connected
first however it does punish those who can not spend all day trying
to call in.
In past years, on the first day when they
are only taking reservation for opening day they are full by about 10:00
or 11:00 AM. The other days when they are taking reservations for 3
days they finish around 1:00 or 2:00 PM.
To start it only take about a minute to
take a reservation but as the day goes on and the spaces get filled
it takes longer to go over what is left to choose from.
They have a total of 83 spaces, most
are one car/party while 11 of the total 83 spaces are double spaces
and take two cars.Three people are the max number of people allowed in any group so
the total is 249 people can hunt at one time. You have to claim your
spot by 7 AM if you have a reservation or loose it.
Because some people might fill their
tag and so can not hunt, they are late and miss the 7:00 AM deadline
and for other reasons, they do have some "No Shows" some
days. The number of "No Shows" increase as the opening week
progresses. |

Stewart field station
with Forest Ranger R. Trapani

(pre 2006) STEWART MAP
Information from DEC pamphlet, 11/04
Hunting at Stewart State Forest
The Stewart State Forest comprises 5,264 acres
of state reforestation land west of the Stewart airport in
the towns of Montgomery, New Windsor and Hamptonburg in Orange
County. In addition, a portion of the Stewart Airport property,
nearly 1,600 acres west of Drury Lane, is under a cooperative
agreement with the Department which allows the public to hunt
on the property.
Special regulations for the Stewart Cooperative Hunting area
are in effect from October 1 through the end of the Regular
Big Game Season in December. During this period, access on
the area is from licensed hunters and trappers only, and the
main gate at Weed Toad is open to allow vehicular access to
the interior roads of the property. The areas posted as restricted
are reserved for hunters with disabilities that have been issued
a "motor vehicle access for people with disabilities CP-3
Regular Big Game Season
Reservations are required for the first seven
days of the Regular Big Game Season. Reservations
must be made one week before the opening of the Regular
Big Game Season. They will be taken by telephone only at
the field station, beginning at 8:30 AM. Only one reservation
per call will be accepted.
To make reservations for:
See new chart above
Monday, Opening Day – Call Tuesday of
the week before
Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday – Call Wednesday of
the week before
Friday, Saturday or Sunday - - Call Thursday of
the week before
Hunters are required to claim their reservations by 7:00 AM
on each day they have reserved. Unclaimed reservations will
be reissued on a first-name, first-served basis. Failure to
claim a reservation or vacating a parking area after 8:00 AM
will result in forfeiture of the Party’s reservation
for the remainder of the day.
The telephone number at the field station is 845-496-4042.
- Hunters are prohibited in areas posted as restricted
- Access for any purpose between October 1 through the end
of the regular Big Game Season is prohibited in the Stewart
State Forest Area without a valid hunting or trapping license.
- The area will be open daily from one hour before sunrise
until one half-hour after sunset.
- Any person may be ejected from the area for disorderly
conduct, intoxication, violation of area regulations or any
conduct which endangers public safety.
- No hunters shall park a vehicle in other than a designated
parking area and then only if the parking quota is not filled.
- Hunters shall hunt only on the same side of the road as
their vehicle is parked.
- The crossing of roads while hunting in the area is prohibited.
- Not more than three persons shall hunt or be afield together
in one party, and not more than three persons allowed per
- Not more than two dogs shall be used by any single hunter
or party hunting together.
- No target or promiscuous shooting is permitted in the
- No rifles or pistols (except muzzleloading rifles during
the regular big game and muzzleloading season) shall be used
or carried afield in a area.
- All regulatory signs posted by DEC shall be obeyed.
- The following acts are prohibited: littering, picnicking,
building fires, damaging fences or gates, annoying livestock,
molesting equipment or other farm property, damaging standing
crops or newly planted fields, taking fruit or other farm
produce, picking flowers, cutting or breaking branches of
trees or shrubs, hunting or shooting near or otherwise disturbing
persons who may be working in the area.
- Vehicular traffic is prohibited beyond any closed gate.
The area speed limit is 15 mph.
- All other applicable provisions of the environmental Conservation
Law shall be in effect.
- No shooting from, on, or across any road.
Hunting Between the
End of the Regular Big game Season and September 30.
Hunting for all species is allowed during their respective
seasons, however, the main gate at Weed Road will not be open
and hunters must access the area on foot or bicycle. There
are several peripheral parking areas that may be used as shown
on the area map.
Nite-time Furbearer Hunting
Night-time furbearer hunting is allowed during respective
seasons. Night hunters, however must park outside of all gates,
(open or closed).
Trapping is allowed with a valid trapping license. Trappers
must not park in designated hunting parking areas. Trappers
may enter, for the purpose of trapping, all restricted areas
west of Drury Lane.
For Further Assistance;
NYSDEC Region 3
21 South Putt Corners. Rd.
New Paltz, NY 12561
Phone: 845-256-3000
Wildlife: 845-256-3098
Law Enforcement: 845-256-3013
Forest Rangers: 845-256-3026
stewart state forest2006
New Rules have been put in place this year that most people will
like. They have sent out a letter that is as follows.
(Rules change so make sure that you call or check for the most current
and accurate information. Good hunting.)
Letter from Glen Cole, 11/2/00
Welcome to the Stewart State Forest. Many of you who have hunted
here in the past will notice a change in our operating procedures.
The primary change you will notice right away - no permits.
You will not be required to surrender your license and receive a permit
from us. Instead, you will retain your hunting license and it
will function as your permit to be on this property for the day.
Non-hunters can still accompany you as a member of your party as long
as the purpose of your trip is to hunt.
On most slower week days you will not be required to stop at the
check station but we ask that you drive slowly as you pass the check
station. If there is no stop sign in front of the check station,
just pass through the gates and enjoy your hunt. On weekends,
holidays and opening days there will be a stop sign out in front of
the check station. Please stop and wait for the DEC attendant
to acknowledge you. When leaving the Area on busy days, please
stop at the sign and wait for the attendant to acknowledge that you
are leaving. It is not necessary for you to check your game
at the check station.
If you wish to hunt at the parking areas outside the gates; Drury
Lane (#1-#6), Forrester Road (#75 & #76), and Route 207 (#36),
it is not necessary for you to pass by the check station, go directly
to the parking area, if no one is there ahead of you, you may park
and hunt. Remember that you may not camp at these parking areas,
and that all the Area regulations are in effect. You may not
park at the gates and access the property as these are not designated
parking areas.
All other regulations for use of the Area remain in effect.
Maximum party size is three people with no more than two dogs.
Please park in designated parking areas and hunt on the same side
of the road as you are parked. Shotguns, muzzleloaders and longbows
may be used, rifles or handguns may not be used. You must
leave the Area by 1/2 hour after sunset. If you fail to return
to the check station by the time you may be locked in.
Reservations will be required for the first seven days of the Regular
Big Game Season. Reservations are made by calling the check
station at (845) 496-4042 beginning at 8:30 am on:
Tuesday, November 14, for Monday, November 20
Wednesday, November 15, for Tuesday and Wednesday, November 21 and
Thursday, November 16, for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 24,
25, & 26.
The Area is closed on thursday, November 23, Thanksgiving Day
These rules will remain in effect through December 12, 2000. After
that date the gates will be will be locked. You may park at
the gates to gain access for hunting.
***********************END OF LETTER***********************
if they are still good for the year 2000. OPEN HOURS:
SMALL GAME HUNTING: One hour before sunrise on Holidays and on weekends.
Remainder 1/2 hour before sunrise.
DEER HUNTING: First week, weekends, first whole week, one hour before
sunrise. Remainder 1/2 hour before sunrise.
CLOSING HOUR: 1/2 hour after sunset. Line up for first
in line starting at 5 PM the day before.
One reservation day per phone call.
No more than 3 people per car. One of group must be a licensed hunter.
Shotgun, muzzleloader or bow only.
Have to wear back tags
1997 total 290 all deer
April 1st to Sept. 1st.
Call the DOT at 564-2100 and enter number 8 (receptionist)
for questions or go to:
NYS DOT Admin. Building
1035 First St.
Building 138
New Windsor, NY 12553
Attn.: Receptionist
564-2100, 8
Office hours are: Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM